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Author Topic: my thoughts on why this show stinks  (Read 11893 times)

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my thoughts on why this show stinks
« on: November 15, 2015, 12:08:13 pm »
I am a dedicated listener, who downloads the podcast on itunes.
Just heard the Oct 9, 2015 show, and one of Byers top 3 at 5 stories involved a woman who was given krazy glue instead of eye drops, and her eye was shut and she was being interviewed about how she could lose her eye. Byer, Jonas and Mohr were clowning her. I couldn't understand this. Here is a poor woman who was given krazy glue instead of eye drops, and could lose her eye, and Jonas is like "hey meet my friend cyclops, if you need any glue just wipe her eye." Deplorable. No wonder Jay is no longer on in his own town, LA. This level of mean spiritedness flies in the face of his "motto" for positivity and good times. So good times must equal being crude and mean to those less fortunate? Hmmm, sounds like what a bully says to justify actions and behavior. 

Jay is a professional comedian, yet many times he turns into an early adolescent teen with his lowest common denominator "jokes." He is a bully, as we saw how he treated Tooey on air(!) (i wouldn't be surprised if that's why Greg left), and he has shown flashes of that bully towards Jonas as well. He cuts EVERYONE off when they talk, including his guests! Notice how angry Byer gets when Jay cuts him off? In terms of preparation for the show, what preparation? In terms of content, there is very little content. It's just a funny guy blabbing about sports for 3 hours, with a couple of "buddies." There is just no show content prepared. So it makes for a pretty random, unfocused, disoriented listening experience. Heck, even the "just shoot it" bit to end the show, should be taken out back and shot. How awkward is that? Dead silences, incomprehensible callers, inconsistent volume levels where one guy is screaming through the speakers and the next call is inaudible, etc.

So why do i listen? Rome is too expensive and Jay is free that's why. But Jay is making it more and more difficult to listen each day.   


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Re: my thoughts on why this show stinks
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2015, 01:13:05 pm »
Yeah, the "positivity" crap is such garbage. It's his excuse for bland, milk toast corporate sports radio. Beneath it all, he is a bully who scours the interwebs looking for negative posts about his show and then rubs how much money he makes for how little work he does in people's faces. Say what you will about Rome, Rome has NEVER done that. He also has a bizarre grudge/vendetta against Rome for some reason. Anyone remember when he was going to sabotage the Smackoff by calling as Mark from Boston?

We all expected this show to be like it was when JJ used to sit in for Rome, anything goes, doing Tracy Morgan followed by Walken followed by Berman followed by reading commercials as Keitel, etc. For the first 6 months to a year it kind of was like that. Then probably the suits got involved, which, whatever, the dude has a family to feed, but it's still disappointing. The way he urged fans to not get angry about switching timeslots was chickenshit. Rome or Stern in their primes would have had their fans burn Premiere's offices down, instead we got "oh, please don't call Rapid Fire and say Rich Eisen sucks". Plus it's obvious that he doesn't like sports that much, or even watch them much. He talks about the Dodgers more than any other team (despite the slight flaw of not being on in LA anymore) yet can't pronounce Yasiel Puig's name right. Last time I bothered listening was the day after the Lions-Seahawks MNF game. 5 minutes into the show JJ had nothing to say about that game, so he played AN ENTIRE INTERVIEW from the 2013 NFC championship game with Erin Andrews and Richard Sherman. So he could do his unfunny Erin Andrews impression.

Anyway, yeah, this show is dead. Maybe if he moves to CBS as is rumored that'll be a chance to restart, IMO Rome's show has improved a bit since he went there. I understand not wanting to pay for Rome's podcast, if you want a better show for free check out Dan LeBatard.

J. Cobb

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Re: my thoughts on why this show stinks
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2016, 10:55:52 pm »
This is a great thread. I had a lot of these same feelings, even prior to Toohey leaving. When I posted about them in my blog,, JJ blasted me, then back handed complimented me, accused me of lying and being a back stabber, and then deleted all of the tweets after I had responded on Twitter. I can't stand the sychophants and his hypocrisy. Show turned to garbage. Obvious lack of prep. Mismanaging of the interviews, calls, and tweets. Listener generated content took a dump after Matty left. But, JJ's talented, I wish he was in a place or position where he could thrive.


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Re: my thoughts on why this show stinks
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2016, 04:17:37 pm »
After letting things marinate, I think the overall consensus is that the "prince of darkness" has rubbed off on JJ a bit. Yeah obviously suits got involved. He had to start making characters instead of using impressions. Since Knox has started there, I feel like there has been more negativity. Way more than before. The way fox sports daybreak (jonas' old gig) had been for years prior. I don't necessarily hate it because I think Jonas gives a differing opinion that is needed on the show BUT when JJ uses "positivity Thursday" and takes a "ball bat" to someone, it does feel hypocritical just a bit. I'll stil listen and laugh but I can see where people are getting a bit upset.


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Re: my thoughts on why this show stinks
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2016, 04:15:29 pm »
Get OFF my boy Rick Pitino! Too Too much. Ever been forgiven for anything, Jay???? And he most likely DIDN'T know anything about what Andre McGee was doing, So crucify him right? Lay off for God's sake. Really tired of hearing it everyday.


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Re: my thoughts on why this show stinks
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2016, 03:41:08 pm »   It's not just the sex scandal dumb ass, lets not forget about the shame he brought to the program years ago when he screwed Karen Sypher in the Italian restaurant and then paid for her abortion.  Only reason he came out and admitted that is because she tried to extort money from him and he had to get the feds involved.  Jay has every right to pile on Rick, the combination of these two incidents should eventually get him fired.  In the meantime I heard they changed the name of the court at the KFC YUM center to The Escort.


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Re: my thoughts on why this show stinks
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2016, 10:10:16 pm »
I like the show because I'm really not a true sports "fan," so, by Jay bringing the funny, that's why I dig it.