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Author Topic: You hooked Me.... A Father of a soldier slain in Afghanistain  (Read 6767 times)

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Mr. Mohr,

You are relatively new in my market Springfield Missouri on 1400 a.m. and I being a creature of habit was use to listening to your competitors on 1400 before they made the switch to F.M.. When they went to F.M. they did not go to your competitors being on 24/7 they have local programming mixed in. So I started listening to you on my lunch break and at first I was like what in God’s name am I going to do lmao who is this guy ( I knew who you were but not in regards to sports.) I tried listening on my phone to other programming but I would rather sit in my van with the windows rolled down drink a diet coke and listen to sports while I fiddle with my phone (be nice). I use to listen to politics some but when you lose a child in war, it becomes less about party and more about getting something done.

So I finally relented and start listening to you almost daily and I grew to understand you bits and your format and then it was like ok I do not feel like I am completely wasting my hour  . Then today when you started taking up the cause of Veteran suicides, I said to myself here is man with a heart. I got to go get a twitter account so I can follow you and you have a fan.

Probably more than you want to know, but if you remember the Govt Shutdown in Oct 2013 and the widow who did not get her death benefits well that was us. My Son died Oct 6th 2013… can see his name, rank, and awards he was honored with. I at the time of his death was in a hospital room waiting to have a procedure to have a cancerous tumor removed. I had to drive 225 from home to have it done and I went by myself because Joe was do home in 2 weeks and his mom and wife were planning his coming home party. So I was alone when I got the news and could not break down, I drove back ho9me the day after the procedure against Doctors orders but my family was in distressed.

So I have PTSD, Survivor’s Guilt, and then clinical depression and it got the best of me and I tried to take my life. So suicide is a real issue for me and you have a lifetime fan. If you read my title you will see I work with Veterans and those were some tough days meeting with men and women who had just got back from Afghanistan and I can tell you we don’t do nearly enough. It seems like those who do the most are the men and women who had already carried a rifle, rode in a tank, floated in a ship, or flew in a plane that help the most. So I was really moved by your support.

One last thing, I doubt if you will read this email but I will still support you quietly and probably follow you on twitter and catch your pod cast cause I think you are a real dude. You competitors lost me a long time ago really because I had written to them just asking for an autograph picture and explained how much they meant cause I was home in the afternoons a lot during that time so my only escape was listening to the radio. I did not get a Hi, bye, kiss my butt and then had listen in May as they promoted themselves as all behind the troops. If a soldier, veteran or family member takes the time to write to you to say thank you for being there with your show the least you should do is acknowledge their existence. Enough about the past…I am looking forward to the future.

Be well my brother and God Bless

Dennis Peters

VA Certifying Officer and Veterans Services Representative

Email: ;
Phone:    417-447-6968
Fax:        417-447-6925

    Gold Star Dad “SA Sgt Joseph M Peters” KIA 10-06-2013 PH BS BSV MSM
               We Will Always Remember….That the Price of Freedom is not Free

Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.
George Washington Carver
Liberty cannot be preserved without the general knowledge among the people.
John Adams

Did not want it in an open forum but I wanted you to know how much it meant

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El Cos

  • Mohrrior
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Re: You hooked Me.... A Father of a soldier slain in Afghanistain
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2015, 10:01:54 am »
salute to you sir


  • Mohrrior
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Re: You hooked Me.... A Father of a soldier slain in Afghanistain
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2015, 08:50:12 pm »
VERY Touching story......JJ will eventually see this...I guarantee it!!!  Sorry for your loss and thankful for you and your son's service.......