I thought I had it today. JJ mentioned I was hot & I did get in a groove. At the end of the day however, great job by VAGamecock.
@jaymohr37 #BadEtchant Carmelo Anthony missed more shots than Elmer Fudd s/ Etchant Man #JayMohrSports
@jaymohr37 #BadEtchant If I win the 50 card I'm donating it to @danbeyeronfoxs favorite charity. His stomach s/ Etchant Man #JayMohrSports
@jaymohr37 I have a question for Kareem. If he & Lew Alcindor went 1 on 1 who would win? s/ LaSalle Hoopsters #JayMohrSports
@jaymohr37 Well JJ, doesn't look like this Kenyon won't be in it for the.....long run. YEAHHHHH #JayMohrSports
@jaymohr37 #JayMohrSports Speaking of Fragrant Fouls JJ @TheRealHeyMatty took down his munchies last night w 4 bean burritos
@jaymohr37 Hey Kareem grab u a donut on the way out. wait. Where are the....Dammit Beyer. #JayMohrSports
@jaymohr37 (Door opens violently) How many donuts are left? I swear JaBall I will cut you. s/ @danbeyeronfox #JayMohrSports
After JJ mentioned my name & that I was hot but didn't walk away with the prize this is how I felt.