One thing I will say, as someone who follows @magic_uno, is that he's not the attention grabbing asshole that you guys are making him out to be. He's a die hard fan of the show who has strong opinions about things and he's just being himself. If nothing else I admire him for his convictions. I don't necessarily agree with him on this topic, for reasons I've already stated, but I've been around enough to recognize a stand up guy when I see him. I think things just got a little out of hand, that's all. Sometimes people are better off to just agree to disagree and not risk losing the other person's respect by saying things they can't take back. My guess is, that if JJ and Uno were in the same room with each other when this "argument" started, they would have hashed it out in about 5 minutes, and that would have been that, but instead it's one guy reading another guys tweets, the other guy responding over the radio, etc.. etc.. If I had one wish it would be that someday the two of them could meet up, have a beer and laugh about the whole thing.
One thing is for certain, he latches onto any radio show that gives him the least bit of attention and then cries like a baby when he gets shut down. It's pathetic on his part, entertaining for the rest of us.
I haven't been as loyal of a listener as I would like to be (no affiliates in my area.. Yet) but when I do get to listen I actually lol quite a bit. Something I haven't been able to do from a sports talk radio show since Rome wasn't the queen he has become.
I will try and listen more often. There's been a pretty good streak of best twitter hat tricks ever....