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Steve in HTown

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Kim Genavesi - Historical Moments on Jay Mohr Sports
« on: March 14, 2013, 10:42:45 pm »
This post is to provide history of the Kim Genavesi incident that occurred
on Jay Mohr Sports during the week of March 10th.

Feel free to comment if I'm missing anything.

The daily Twitter Hat Trick winners have been dominated by dudes.
Jay and Matty encouraged chicks to start Tweeting the show.  Soon after
a new chick named Kim Genavesi started tweeting.  She was a hottie
with glasses.  On Wednesday March 13th, Matty awarded a regular THTC
member as the winner but Jay overrode him and gave it to Kim.  It wasn't
too much longer after the show that Mike in Vegas tweeted that Kim was a
troll account he set up to catfish Matty.  It worked!  The other THTC
crew tweeted about it that evening and it caught Jays attention.  On
Thursday show, Jay mentioned the whole catfishing incident, poked a little
fun at Matty-boy, then went after Mike in Vegas for pretending to be a girl.
Some THTC members thought it was going the wrong direction so they
confronted Jay after the show on Twitter.  Magic Uno and Jay went back
and forth for a while.  Magic Uno then decided to quit tweeting the show
for a while. 

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Re: Kim Genavesi - Historical Moments on Jay Mohr Sports
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2013, 08:36:42 am »
Heard the whole thing...saw a few of the tweets. Personally I think JJ was trying to save face b/c he really got punked on this whole thing. There's no way they "knew it might have been a fake account" as JJ intimated yesterday. I've been listening to about every minute of the show (XM receiver with pause and recall, invest in it if you are on the road for work) and there was no indication Kim G was fake. Mike pulled one over on them. At first yesterday, JJ tried to act like it was all on Mike for pretending to be a chick, but during the show he started to back down and make light of it....finally admitting they'd all been fooled. But he did have a bit of a point, why the fvck would Mike go through all the trouble? Because he wasn't getting his Tweets read with his own Twitter handle?? So he decided to use a fake one to "stick it" to Matty? Wow. I Tweet every day and they never get read....big deal. Matty does need to read other Tweets besides the THTC guys/girls(?)....but to create an entire fake profile to prove a point? Wow, that's deserving of JJ making fun of you. But make no mistake, this was all on the crew and mostly JJ for overriding them with Kim G as his choice for winner. I kept making "backpeddling like a CB" tweets yesterday, of course none of them were read b/c I am not that good...oh and looking at the latest conversations it appears JJ and Mike are over it.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 08:44:51 am by cmgww »

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Re: Kim Genavesi - Historical Moments on Jay Mohr Sports
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2013, 08:42:36 am »
its mike in vegas, not greg  :uhh


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Re: Kim Genavesi - Historical Moments on Jay Mohr Sports
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2013, 08:46:59 am »
its mike in vegas, not greg  :uhh

FVCK! Did I really just put Greg instead of Mike multiple times?? And I haven't listened regularly to Rome in 2 years....

name confusion aside, my point still stands. JJ got punked, but it was over a stupid radio contest...and Mike looked just as foolish IMO by pretending to be a chick. But the boys did bite, hard on it...the whole thing was pretty funny
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 08:49:22 am by cmgww »

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Re: Kim Genavesi - Historical Moments on Jay Mohr Sports
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2013, 08:48:59 am »
its ok, greg hasnt called rome in many years anyways.
i dont think rome will ever put greg back on the air.


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Re: Kim Genavesi - Historical Moments on Jay Mohr Sports
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2013, 08:51:50 am »
its ok, greg hasnt called rome in many years anyways.
i dont think rome will ever put greg back on the air.

cool...yeah he won't. and that's part of why I don't listen anymore...Rome went away from what got him to the top 5-6 years ago, and now has completely sold out. why doesn't he just bag the whole show?? JJ has to be stomping his ass in the ratings


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Re: Kim Genavesi - Historical Moments on Jay Mohr Sports
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2013, 09:14:20 am »
I think my synopsis of yesterday's show is pretty on-point:


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Re: Kim Genavesi - Historical Moments on Jay Mohr Sports
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2013, 11:14:55 am »
I think my synopsis of yesterday's show is pretty on-point:

You are high.

I listened the whole week. There was no mention of anyone being a pedo.

WTF. :uhh

Do you ever stop to think that you might take this shit too seriously?

It came across as good fun and was pretty much part of the game that everyone plays when interacting with the show.  Fun and games.



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Re: Kim Genavesi - Historical Moments on Jay Mohr Sports
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2013, 11:36:48 am »
No, don't turn this place into Stucknut. Where everyone is an internet warrior who thinks way too highly of their "contributions" to a RADIO SHOW!!! I saw the whole mike in indy thing over there. I can't figure out what was worse: you calling him out, or him acting like he's some celebrity for finishing 2nd twice in the Smackoff. We're fans of a radio show. That's it.

JJ is going to defend his boys, of course. Matty got catfished, sure. But don't act like it wasn't a bit weird that MIKE in Vegas was DM'ing Matty with details about baby showers....that's taking things way too far. Again, it's a RADIO SHOW


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Re: Kim Genavesi - Historical Moments on Jay Mohr Sports
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2013, 11:59:35 am »
No, don't turn this place into Stucknut. Where everyone is an internet warrior who thinks way too highly of their "contributions" to a RADIO SHOW!!! I saw the whole mike in indy thing over there. I can't figure out what was worse: you calling him out, or him acting like he's some celebrity for finishing 2nd twice in the Smackoff. We're fans of a radio show. That's it.

JJ is going to defend his boys, of course. Matty got catfished, sure. But don't act like it wasn't a bit weird that MIKE in Vegas was DM'ing Matty with details about baby showers....that's taking things way too far. Again, it's a RADIO SHOW

Exactly, and further, its entirely possible it was choreographed and known by all parties to create a buzz.  Even if wasnt, if it was totally organic, it lead to a funny moment and a few laughs.

That's it.


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Re: Kim Genavesi - Historical Moments on Jay Mohr Sports
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2013, 12:01:49 pm »
You are high.

I listened the whole week. There was no mention of anyone being a pedo.

WTF. :uhh

Do you ever stop to think that you might take this shit too seriously?

It came across as good fun and was pretty much part of the game that everyone plays when interacting with the show.  Fun and games.


Actually, he did call him a "pedo" a couple of times.  Feel free to use the podcast feature on the site and look at the game tape.

Whether or not I take shit too seriously, that's your opinion.  I just point out the bullshit when it pops up.  I have my fun too.  Obviously.  I won the thing several times.  But when I feel something should be said, I say it.


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Re: Kim Genavesi - Historical Moments on Jay Mohr Sports
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2013, 12:03:45 pm »
No, don't turn this place into Stucknut. Where everyone is an internet warrior who thinks way too highly of their "contributions" to a RADIO SHOW!!! I saw the whole mike in indy thing over there. I can't figure out what was worse: you calling him out, or him acting like he's some celebrity for finishing 2nd twice in the Smackoff. We're fans of a radio show. That's it.

JJ is going to defend his boys, of course. Matty got catfished, sure. But don't act like it wasn't a bit weird that MIKE in Vegas was DM'ing Matty with details about baby showers....that's taking things way too far. Again, it's a RADIO SHOW

My back and forth with Jay had nothing to do with me.  I was commenting on his treatment of Mike in Vegas.

And if you follow me on Twitter, you would know that I've called Mike a sick f*ck too, so what are you talking about?


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Re: Kim Genavesi - Historical Moments on Jay Mohr Sports
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2013, 12:06:04 pm »

Exactly, and further, its entirely possible it was choreographed and known by all parties to create a buzz.  Even if wasnt, if it was totally organic, it lead to a funny moment and a few laughs.

That's it.

I think the show would've been a lot funnier had Jay just run with it just like he did with Brain and Toohey.  That's all I'm saying.  It was obvious that he was shielding his brother-in-law by turning the attention to Mike.  Just listen to the show again.  The tape doesn't lie.

If you think that I take things too seriously, then I don't know what to tell you.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 12:08:05 pm by magic_uno »


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Re: Kim Genavesi - Historical Moments on Jay Mohr Sports
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2013, 12:07:58 pm »
Actually, he did call him a "pedo" a couple of times.  Feel free to use the podcast feature on the site and look at the game tape.

Whether or not I take shit too seriously, that's your opinion.  I just point out the bullshit when it pops up.  I have my fun too.  Obviously.  I won the thing several times.  But when I feel something should be said, I say it.

I listened to the whole show.  Im saying he didnt.  You can copy pasta the comment and Ill apologize if you find it, but i never heard it.

The 'thing' isnt bullshit though, its merely a funny twist, like the Poncho v Tyrone thing back when :rome was funny, circa late 90s.

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Re: Kim Genavesi - Historical Moments on Jay Mohr Sports
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2013, 12:27:06 pm »
take it from me, he used the term pedo.  it made for good radio though  :lol