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Messages - Etchant Man

Pages: [1]
Jay Mohr Sports / Jay's impressions
« on: July 08, 2014, 06:28:59 am »
What are all the impressions Jay Mohr can do ??

Jay Mohr Sports / Re: Mohrrior Award Nominations
« on: December 12, 2013, 08:59:56 pm »
Perpetrator of the most memorable tweet...Who came up with the meat hoody tweet ?...Someone check the archives.. :lol  ;D

(Blue helped me remember this was Funny How, on the heels of his giant blinking eye, which led to first mohratorium on tweets -- Brain Tweets. Awarded to Funny How by Historical Expert Blue. -Brad)

1. There r black guys in NASCAR ! --regards- that one misplaced raisin in a box of Corn Pops

2. Well Jay, it appears that JayGray not inviting me to the sports pub puts our friendship
on....Shecky..ground..YEEEAAAAHHH !!!

3. Noah is playing with Plantar Fasciitis ?..Didn't we defeat the Fasciitis in Italy during WWII -LaSalle

There was a story about Leaking Men

4.What's this about leaking athletes--regards Scotty Pee Peeing ----( ok that was stupid)

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