Jay Mohr Sports / Re: POB Unblock List
« on: May 02, 2013, 10:04:52 pm »Lots of #Mohrriors are blocked by POB. But as we have discovered that he is a pretty cool cat, many would like to be unblocked. So, if you're blocked, write a contrite appeal here -- it probably wasn't even your fault -- and I'll add you to the list. When the list gets long enough, we'll ask Diamond Dan to print it and present it to POB.
The list:
@JayGray73 <-- See his reverse psychology plea below! Well played, Jay.
@PatOBriensChair <-- You blocked your chair?!? smh.
He's the worst. Lazy, lazy radio. After something as brilliant as Jay's show and before him Rome's we now go to this douche that asks one question and takes 3 hours of calls on it. He is a no talent, lazy, hack has been. Everyone I know turns the channel when his horrible show comes on. I feel sorry for PMS. Another great show. Their lead in is the worst on radio.