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Messages - theDSsucks

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Jay Mohr Sports / my thoughts on why this show stinks
« on: November 15, 2015, 12:08:13 pm »
I am a dedicated listener, who downloads the podcast on itunes.
Just heard the Oct 9, 2015 show, and one of Byers top 3 at 5 stories involved a woman who was given krazy glue instead of eye drops, and her eye was shut and she was being interviewed about how she could lose her eye. Byer, Jonas and Mohr were clowning her. I couldn't understand this. Here is a poor woman who was given krazy glue instead of eye drops, and could lose her eye, and Jonas is like "hey meet my friend cyclops, if you need any glue just wipe her eye." Deplorable. No wonder Jay is no longer on in his own town, LA. This level of mean spiritedness flies in the face of his "motto" for positivity and good times. So good times must equal being crude and mean to those less fortunate? Hmmm, sounds like what a bully says to justify actions and behavior. 

Jay is a professional comedian, yet many times he turns into an early adolescent teen with his lowest common denominator "jokes." He is a bully, as we saw how he treated Tooey on air(!) (i wouldn't be surprised if that's why Greg left), and he has shown flashes of that bully towards Jonas as well. He cuts EVERYONE off when they talk, including his guests! Notice how angry Byer gets when Jay cuts him off? In terms of preparation for the show, what preparation? In terms of content, there is very little content. It's just a funny guy blabbing about sports for 3 hours, with a couple of "buddies." There is just no show content prepared. So it makes for a pretty random, unfocused, disoriented listening experience. Heck, even the "just shoot it" bit to end the show, should be taken out back and shot. How awkward is that? Dead silences, incomprehensible callers, inconsistent volume levels where one guy is screaming through the speakers and the next call is inaudible, etc.

So why do i listen? Rome is too expensive and Jay is free that's why. But Jay is making it more and more difficult to listen each day.   


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