Jay Mohr Sports

Shows and Podcasts => Jay Mohr Sports => Topic started by: Supremecy on April 30, 2013, 11:35:22 am

Title: Had to turn off ALL GAY RADIO today
Post by: Supremecy on April 30, 2013, 11:35:22 am
Look, you have the right to babble about politically correct protected topics of the day, sure.  And we as the listening public can move along.

Its laughable that you comment on what religious (read Biblical) people ought to say and think when they are merely looking at the texts for clarification and then you criticize their correct understanding of very clear scripture.   Whether one is religious or not, they have a point of view that is as compelling as the other side of the argument, if not more so.  They believe God/god/Allah etc has instructed that behavior to be considered 'sin'.  So be it.  Read the book, I guess. :uhh

 Its also quite telling you wouldnt come close to criticizing what Islam might say about the topic.  Not within a 100 miles.  Not within a million miles. :lol

This is no different then when the Newtown shooting happened and the Boston Bombing happened and the 2nd amendment took it up the ass.  No reasoning for burning the constitution, just pure emotion and hair on fire reaction.

Stick to sports.

I dont give a shit if some dude likes to sodomize men, women or animals.  Besides, the NBA is -0- cares.

What I certainly dont want in a sports talk show is an ill equipped person speaking about religious or moral topics when that person is both lacking a basic understanding of the religious side of the argument and makes a career cussing in a nightclub trying to be funny.

Da Fuq. :uhh
Title: Re: Had to turn off ALL GAY RADIO today
Post by: the judo madonna on April 30, 2013, 03:35:46 pm
I guess i'm just wired differently. Today wasn't my favorite show, but I didn't think it was bad, and I certainly didn't get a red ass about it like you.

Oh well, different strokes.

You missed Collins' former fiance', a WNBAer, drop a "at the end of the day".

Also, a pretty epic Top 5 story. check the podcast hour 2, it's totally worth it.
Title: Re: Had to turn off ALL GAY RADIO today
Post by: Supremecy on April 30, 2013, 08:25:19 pm
Rome, Danica Patrick....they were all the same.  Its a formula meant to play to the supposed masses.

Title: Re: Had to turn off ALL GAY RADIO today
Post by: the judo madonna on April 30, 2013, 09:33:59 pm
well, yeah, dude. who do you think is paying for it?

you go with what has the most appeal, what generates the most noise, whether it be good, or bad.

how do you think Skip Bayless has lasted more than 20 seconds on the air?

The suits need to line their pockets, else you don't get to keep the gig.

You suffer through the B.S., so you can enjoy Pete Holmes doing Steven Wright to an audience of 4 million.

Do you think Jay wouldn't axe that "phone ring" drop in 2 f*cking seconds if corporate would let him?

The difference is, where Rome softened his takes in order to bow to his corporate sponsors, Jay keeps it real about the TOPICS that appeal to his corporate sponsors.

There's a reason Broussard kept his job at ESPN, but that other dude who did the same thing a few months ago, except about race, got f*cking canned.

at the end of the day, my man, you gotta sell tickets.

ass, gas, or grass, NO ONE RIDES FOR FREE.

"All you know about me is what i've sold you. Dumbf*ck, I sold out long before you ever even heard my name, I sold my soul to make a record. Dipshit man, you bought one" - Maynard James Keenan.
Title: Re: Had to turn off ALL GAY RADIO today
Post by: jakeinpeoria on April 30, 2013, 11:05:16 pm
You think Jay sold out? Yeah, he did. He sold out Fullrton, he sold out Sacramento, he sold out Brea. It's only selling out if you change what you would have done to fit what people want to hear. Rome did this with NASCAR. I don't agree with Jay's points and I think he should have been more prepared to pea to the religious spectrum of it if he was going to speak about it but a lot of people are like you and I and hated what they heard today and when he wanted to do away with the 2nd Amendment an Jay still went with it
Title: Re: Had to turn off ALL GAY RADIO today
Post by: jayjay on May 01, 2013, 08:57:19 am
I was very proud of the show yesterday. I learned something. I learned to listen. If someone has a belief system. and that is how they feel the world works, they aren't "wrong". I turned my show over to people who disagree with me. The story was THE story of the year so far. It couldn't be glossed over to have jokes and basketball takes. I have never had a topic to please corporate. if I don't have passion about something it doesn't work.
Title: Re: Had to turn off ALL GAY RADIO today
Post by: Supremecy on May 01, 2013, 09:12:57 am
Nobody 'sold out' and nobody went corporate.  It was just a topic that holds no interest to me.  Thank God, Jay wont spend the entire week talking about his horse and the Kentucky derby and a bet like the 'other' guy. :lol

Today is a new day, lets go. 8)
Title: Re: Had to turn off ALL GAY RADIO today
Post by: jakeinpeoria on May 01, 2013, 03:27:03 pm
You think Jay sold out? Yeah, he did. He sold out Fullrton, he sold out Sacramento, he sold out Brea. It's only selling out if you change what you would have done to fit what people want to hear. Rome did this with NASCAR. I don't agree with Jay's points and I think he should have been more prepared to pea to the religious spectrum of it if he was going to speak about it but a lot of people are like you and I and hated what they heard today and when he wanted to do away with the 2nd Amendment an Jay still went with it

Auto correct pwnd me. pea is supposed to be speak and the last sentence should have been about 3 sentences
Title: Re: Had to turn off ALL GAY RADIO today
Post by: El Cos on May 01, 2013, 04:33:06 pm
i Funkin heat auto correct!  >:(
Title: Re: Had to turn off ALL GAY RADIO today
Post by: BuryCats on May 01, 2013, 05:08:55 pm
I thought the best part of yesterday had nothing to do with your show, JJ. Rim Jome dropped by StuckNut just before going on his CBS uStream TV show, and offered a heartfelt defense of talking with midgets who drink liquid plastic to evacuate before beating horses with sticks to make them go fast. That guy keeps it so real with his listeners!!
Title: Re: Had to turn off ALL GAY RADIO today
Post by: Supremecy on May 02, 2013, 09:40:17 am
Little Elfen Majic  :lol
Title: Re: Had to turn off ALL GAY RADIO today
Post by: PopsGeez on May 02, 2013, 01:47:12 pm
all gay radio was the topic of every national radio show so it's not like JJ was alone

i liked the call by Solomon